var i: integer; procedure NewSpawnPoint(posx, posy: longint); var temp: TNewSpawnPoint; begin temp := TNewSpawnPoint.Create; temp.X := posx; temp.Y := posy; temp.Style := 1; Map.AddSpawnPoint(temp); temp.Free; end; procedure MyOnSpeak(p: TActivePlayer; Text: string); var i: byte; begin if Text = '!save' then NewSpawnPoint(round(p.X),round(p.Y)); if Text = '!spawns' then begin for i := 1 to 254 do begin if (Map.Spawns[i].Active = true) then begin if (Map.Spawns[i].Style = 1) then begin Players.WriteConsole('Spawn '+inttostr(i), $FF0000); end; end; end; end; end; begin for i:=1 to 32 do Players[i].OnSpeak := @MyOnSpeak; end.