MantisBT - Soldat
View Issue Details
0000132SoldatGameplaypublic2011-11-09 01:182013-11-30 22:37
0000132: Throwing of flag is not intuitive and sometimes wrond
If you throw the flag and don't wait long enough *after* the throw, and turn around instantly, flag will fly a random way. Same with shooting/knifing/nading flag.
Throw a flag and look around shortly after you threw.
You could take the angle and the duration of the throw button pressed into account how the flag should fly.
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Issue History
2011-11-09 01:18McWiseNew Issue
2011-12-21 10:11ShoozzaStatusnew => acknowledged
2012-02-20 17:41x7thh0ahNote Added: 0001336
2012-12-23 01:53skoskavNote Added: 0001656
2012-12-23 01:53skoskavStatusacknowledged => resolved
2012-12-23 01:53skoskavFixed in Version => 1.6.4
2012-12-23 01:53skoskavResolutionopen => fixed
2012-12-23 01:53skoskavAssigned To => skoskav
2012-12-23 15:27skoskavAssigned Toskoskav =>
2012-12-23 15:27skoskavNote Added: 0001657
2012-12-23 15:27skoskavStatusresolved => feedback
2012-12-23 15:27skoskavResolutionfixed => reopened
2012-12-23 15:27skoskavAssigned To => skoskav
2012-12-23 15:27skoskavStatusfeedback => confirmed
2012-12-25 16:29McWiseNote Added: 0001660
2013-11-30 22:37skoskavNote Added: 0002022
2013-11-30 22:37skoskavStatusconfirmed => resolved
2013-11-30 22:37skoskavFixed in Version1.6.4 => 1.6.7
2013-11-30 22:37skoskavResolutionreopened => fixed

2012-02-20 17:41   
Thats why I don't throw flag cause for me its around 50% chance that I'll throw where I want to.
2012-12-23 01:53   
I think I fixed it for the most part. It's still seems possible though if you find a weird spot where you can continuously throw it in the ground and grab it. But that shouldn't affect a regular game.
2012-12-23 15:27   
Re-opening because my fix only solved power flag throwing, which is only a part of the unintuitive behavior.
2012-12-25 16:29   
Also player's current momentum seems to have a wierd effect on flag movement
2013-11-30 22:37   
Fixed flag was thrown in a direction that was at least 16 milliseconds old