MantisBT - Soldat Dedicated Server
View Issue Details
0000138Soldat Dedicated ServerScripting Corepublic2011-12-06 04:242012-07-30 00:05
closedwon't fix 
x86Windows7 SP1
0000138: Creation of sockets in scripts (via EnEsCe manual) causes Out of Range/Access Violation error
Using this code as the only scipt: [^]
I get:
[*] [Error] spect-join -> (MainSocketLoop): Out of range
when "safe mode" is ON
and this:
[*] [Error] spect-join -> (ThreadedCreate): Access Violation at address 004E52EE in module 'soldatserver.exe'. Write of address 0000008C.
when "safe mode" in OFF.

(spect-join is a name of script file)

This occurs on the newest version of server (2.7.2). See also "additional information".
1. Create new script
2. Enable scripting in server
3. Paste code into script file
4. Run the server with/without safe mode (-safe option).
5. Observe messages
On the picture u can see both situations (safe mode ON/OFF) and sometimes there is duplicated info about "function disabled".

Error occurs also on 2.7.0 version.
Error NOT occurs in server 2.6.3 version (2.2 of ScriptCore) - bug (?) with "out of range" also occurs there but no Access Violation with no safemode.
Also 2.6.3 correctly handles connection to remote server problem - error "connection refused".

In case of additional info: e-mail me.
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png server bugs.png (198,260) 2011-12-06 04:24
Issue History
2011-12-06 04:24SzamanNew Issue
2011-12-06 04:24SzamanFile Added: server bugs.png
2011-12-06 15:14SzamanNote Added: 0001259
2012-02-29 20:16FalconNote Added: 0001374
2012-02-29 20:16FalconAssigned To => Falcon
2012-02-29 20:16FalconStatusnew => confirmed
2012-05-24 20:52FalconAssigned ToFalcon =>
2012-07-30 00:05FalconNote Added: 0001574
2012-07-30 00:05FalconStatusconfirmed => closed
2012-07-30 00:05FalconAssigned To => Falcon
2012-07-30 00:05FalconResolutionopen => won't fix
2012-07-30 00:05FalconFixed in Version => 2.7.4

2011-12-06 15:14   
"(spect-join is a name of script file)" -> of course not, this is name of the directory. Sorry for mistake ;) Name of file is sockets.pas.
2012-02-29 20:16   
There's no much we can do about this. It's all about threads being desynchronized and that's quite a lot of code to fix.
2012-07-30 00:05   
Socket functions has been removed from source. If you need socket support, please use DLLs instead, or consider using adminport.