MantisBT - Soldat Maps
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0000162Soldat MapsPolygon bugspublic2012-02-20 21:412014-01-25 03:23
As de Espada 
0000162: Ash bug
Flags RANDOMLY happens only IN RARE occasions UNABLE TO REPRODUCE, slides on the wall to mid base.

It happens very rarely, but when it does its kinda unfair for the other team.

Happens on both sides, but more on the right side of the map.
Flag just slides from flag area againts the wall with a speed that it ends up landing around the mid point.(top of closest base).
No tags attached.
? Ash_Magic_Flag.sdm (809,518) 2013-07-07 15:44
? demo15.sdm (8,763) 2013-07-07 15:45
? demo16.sdm (696,030) 2013-07-07 15:45
Issue History
2012-02-20 21:41DutchFlameNew Issue
2012-02-21 02:33As de EspadaAssigned To => As de Espada
2012-02-21 02:33As de EspadaStatusnew => acknowledged
2012-02-26 02:54DutchFlameNote Added: 0001362
2012-02-26 02:57DutchFlameNote Added: 0001363
2012-02-26 04:56As de EspadaNote Added: 0001364
2012-02-26 04:57As de EspadaStatusacknowledged => confirmed
2012-02-26 05:55DutchFlameNote Added: 0001365
2012-02-26 17:16DutchFlameNote Edited: 0001362bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=1362#r106
2012-02-26 17:16DutchFlameNote Deleted: 0001363
2012-02-26 17:16DutchFlameNote Deleted: 0001365
2012-02-26 17:16DutchFlameNote Added: 0001370
2013-01-05 01:59DutchFlameNote Added: 0001681
2013-07-07 15:40BistouflyNote Added: 0001736
2013-07-07 15:44BistouflyFile Added: Ash_Magic_Flag.sdm
2013-07-07 15:45BistouflyFile Added: demo15.sdm
2013-07-07 15:45BistouflyFile Added: demo16.sdm
2013-07-07 15:46BistouflyNote Edited: 0001736bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=1736#r200
2013-12-08 20:08DutchFlameNote Added: 0002063
2014-01-25 03:23As de EspadaNote Added: 0002122
2014-01-25 03:23As de EspadaStatusconfirmed => resolved
2014-01-25 03:23As de EspadaResolutionopen => fixed

2012-02-26 02:54   
(edited on: 2012-02-26 17:16)
Now heres also a demo about this flag bug I posted, but I basically pressed f8 too late so if you scroll up in the demo you see it got off the wall and is landing on top of the blue/red base. BTW I tried getting it worked on the red side, but its almost impossible, the flag does wants to go, but bounces back when it wants to. : [^]

As de Espada   
2012-02-26 04:56   
thank you for your reports DutchFlame. I saw the demo and I am changing this issue 's status to confirmed. We rather have several smaller issues because that way we can separate what has been fixed and what haven't. Can you delete your comments about other issues and start new ones? if you are too lazy I can do that for you
2012-02-26 17:16   
2013-01-05 01:59   
This still happens. I think it's simply a polygon fix on both walls at the sides of the flag area. Make them more straight for example or not :S
2013-07-07 15:40   
(edited on: 2013-07-07 15:46)
I got it on demo as well: [^]

I attached the demo to the ticket as well as DutchFlame's demos.

2013-12-08 20:08   
I think this is fixed. Have not seen it once since the latest versions!
As de Espada   
2014-01-25 03:23   
probably the fix to bug [^] also fixed this one. I am setting as resolved, if it doesn't happen in the next month I am closing it