I did some semi-thorough testing. Sorry if anything is unclear or incorrect. I was a bit lazy when editing my notes. :P
Playing as player 1, creating player 1 bullets, of varied bullet styles:
5: launch sounds plays; invisible; seems to show flames if created inside walls, or on a person at the end of the animation cycle (which it does do damage)
6,11,14: appears to creates an invisible bullet with behavior similar to that of a plain bullet, but without any player-collision
6,11,14: "punch" weapon / knife/chainsaw / M2 bullet; invisible bullet, acts as projectile, colliding with ground
0,15-255: invisible; no collision animation (but if many of these types of bullets collide at the same time, it does lag for a second or so); pushes players; does not call OnPlayerDamage
Playing as player 1, creating player 2 bullets (suspected same behavior for all players 2-31), of varied bullet styles:
1: graphic projectile goes through walls and such, and does collide with player & collision circles; this is not visible though
actual physics projectile follows normal physics, and doesn't necessarially follow where the bullet "graphic" is at
2: creates a grenade which is visible, but visually acts strange:
when going through ground. I believe the image falls off the path of the true grenade. also grenades don't explode in time (having the ability to have invisible grenades owned by player 2 on the ground. walk on them, and you die! but they do explode by themselves in time though. explosion animation only follows animation projectile)
note: only graphical projectile pushes you; the damaging projectile appears to only damage you and explode though
edit: tested at a different time, and graphics seem to act normally - not sure what was done different
6: inisible projectile hits you, and acts as somebody punched you, making you lose your weapon, and damaging you
9: animation explodes when hits colliders, but not people; true projectile behaves as a normal bullet (invisible)
11: completely invisible; if collides with you, you do bleed and get damaged
13: real projectile turns into a knife "spawning out of thin air" when collides with something that normally turns a knife from a projectile into a pickup-able weapon
Tested by playing as player 1, creating player 0 bullets (same for creating player 32 and higher bullets):
no matter what, nothing happened |