Notes |
Argh, forgot to add that you can disable/enable menu only when you are dead OR when you pick up 2nd weapon. |
2012-04-15 17:54
(edited on: 2012-04-27 11:12) |
I confirm this bug. It occurs in 1.6.3 beta1 too.
Quote from [^]
Issue 0000181
1. It is not possible to toggle a "Weapons menu" state (disabled/active) when player is alive and have less then two weapons.
Exceptions (didn't test on dedicated server):
a. when all secondaries are disabled and player have a single weapon (one of primaries) then toggle works only while this weapon is active (in hands).
b. when all primaries are disabled and player have a single weapon (one of secondaries) then toggle works while secondary weapon is NOT active (hands are free).
True. If you drop one of your weapons you can't enable/disable |
This is a side effect. It was intended to stop the player from disabling the weapons menu before he had 2 weapons chosen. |