MantisBT - Soldat
View Issue Details
0000307SoldatGameplaypublic2013-01-28 23:472014-01-28 13:57
0000307: Unproning cancels the knife throw animation.
When in prone.
If you start pressing the throw key and then unprone before you release it, the throw fails.

This happens when unproning with the prone key.
Or when unproning by changing the way you face with your cursor.
With prone key:
1: be in prone.
2: hold the knife throw button.
3: press the prone button to stand up.
4: release the knife.

By turning around:
1: be in prone.
2: hold the knife throw button.
3: change the way you face with your mouse to stand up.
4: release the knife.
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related to 0000268closed skoskav Proning cancels the knife throwing animation. 
Issue History
2013-01-28 23:47BistouflyNew Issue
2013-07-06 01:18BistouflyRelationship addedrelated to 0000268
2013-07-07 15:47BistouflyStatusnew => confirmed
2013-08-11 09:48skoskavStatusconfirmed => resolved
2013-08-11 09:48skoskavResolutionopen => fixed
2013-08-11 09:48skoskavAssigned To => skoskav
2014-01-28 13:57homerofgodsStatusresolved => closed

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