MantisBT - Soldat
View Issue Details
0000416SoldatGameplaypublic2013-09-09 22:502013-09-17 08:58
0000416: When reloading with Spas, prone cancelling fails
When you are reloading a spas,the prone cancel technique fails.

This seems to be a new bug in 1.6.6. beta 1

might be a side effect of fixing [^]
-equip spas
-empty ammo and start reloading (hold the reload button)
-jump and go into superman
-try to perform a prone cancel (cross your ghostek with your mouse while pressing nade key)
=> the prone cancel fails (the unprone animation isn't canceled like it should)
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related to 0000379closed skoskav Proning and unproning stops the reloading animations of the spas. 
Issue History
2013-09-09 22:50BistouflyNew Issue
2013-09-09 23:52BistouflySeveritymajor => minor
2013-09-10 03:54BistouflySummaryWhen reloading spas and jetting, prone cancelling fails => When reloading with Spas, prone cancelling fails
2013-09-10 03:54BistouflySteps to Reproduce Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=257#r257
2013-09-10 03:55BistouflyDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=259#r259
2013-09-10 03:56BistouflyRelationship addedrelated to 0000379
2013-09-11 18:00BistouflyProduct Version => 1.6.6b1
2013-09-11 21:28ShoozzaNote Added: 0001919
2013-09-11 21:28ShoozzaStatusnew => confirmed
2013-09-11 21:28ShoozzaNote Edited: 0001919bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=1919#r269
2013-09-13 17:17BistouflyPriorityurgent => immediate
2013-09-13 23:45skoskavStatusconfirmed => resolved
2013-09-13 23:45skoskavFixed in Version => 1.6.6
2013-09-13 23:45skoskavResolutionopen => fixed
2013-09-13 23:45skoskavAssigned To => skoskav
2013-09-17 08:58BistouflyNote Added: 0001935
2013-09-17 08:58BistouflyStatusresolved => closed

2013-09-11 21:28   
or alternatively:
go into prone
shoot spas empty
wait till reloads 1 bullet
press and hold r
press and hold q
move mouse from left to right to prone cancel
-> in 1.6.5 you prone cancel
-> in 1.6.6b1 you don't

2013-09-17 08:58   
verified 1.6.6. beta2