MantisBT - Soldat Dedicated Server
View Issue Details
0000475Soldat Dedicated ServerAdmin-Client Protocolpublic2013-12-09 19:552013-12-20 08:50
resolvedno change required 
64 bitDebian GNU/Linux
0000475: Not detailed error message

Let's assume that you have a script on your server (hosted on linux).

In the Inludes.txt file there is entry: myScript.pas

If the PAS file name is myScript.PAS there will be error while loading script (and the server shutdown also :/).
Error message shown is "File not found".

And my question is... which file ? The message should be:
File "myScript.pas" declared in ScriptDir/Includes.txt not found.

Also there is connected to this bug - if there is a space character on the end of the line with pas filename - the same error occurs.
Install a script (on linux hosted server).
Change in Includes.txt extension from pas to PAS or add a space at the line end.
Recompile/restart server.
Please fix this message and please trim the filename before loading attempt...
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Issue History
2013-12-09 19:55SzamanNew Issue
2013-12-15 14:08SpiltCoffeeNote Added: 0002088
2013-12-15 14:09SpiltCoffeeAssigned To => SpiltCoffee
2013-12-15 14:09SpiltCoffeeStatusnew => assigned
2013-12-20 08:47SpiltCoffeeProjectSoldat => Soldat Dedicated Server
2013-12-20 08:47SpiltCoffeeCategoryOther => General
2013-12-20 08:50SpiltCoffeeNote Added: 0002095
2013-12-20 08:50SpiltCoffeeStatusassigned => resolved
2013-12-20 08:50SpiltCoffeeResolutionopen => no change required
2013-12-20 08:50SpiltCoffeeCategoryGeneral => Admin-Client Protocol
2013-12-20 08:50SpiltCoffeeProduct Version1.6.6 => 2.7.6
2013-12-20 08:50SpiltCoffeeFixed in Version => 2.7.7

2013-12-15 14:08   
2013-12-20 08:50   
Now this is a bit strange.

This was confirmed fixed back in v2.6.4 I believe - v2.6.4 would throw a proper error detailing which file was not found.

Sometime between then and now, that error stopped being shown and instead the current one is displayed instead.

But now, in the current development version, it's working like it did in v2.6.4 again. I am going to mark this as resolved in v2.6.7.