MantisBT - Soldat
View Issue Details
0000486SoldatGameplaypublic2013-12-22 22:412015-04-18 18:54
normalminorhave not tried
0000486: Vote-kick when switching between servers

I've seen a bug with displaying vote-kicks while switching between servers. Steps to reproduce below.
1. Play in a server
2. Someone votes a kick on some player
3. Leave the server
4. Join a second server
5. There will be displayed a message about vote-kicking some other player (who is playing on the sedond server right now)

It should not be that way. This message should not be displayed.
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related to 0000200confirmed  Packetloss of important informations 
Issue History
2013-12-22 22:41SzamanNew Issue
2013-12-23 07:18BistouflyStatusnew => acknowledged
2015-04-18 18:50homerofgodsSteps to Reproduce Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=619#r619
2015-04-18 18:54homerofgodsNote Added: 0002438
2015-04-18 18:54homerofgodsRelationship addedrelated to 0000200

2015-04-18 18:54   
I tried to do as you described:
Joined server, someone was voted, joined another server, no message

Since I was unable to reproduce I'm guessing it has to do with packetloss.