MantisBT - Soldat Maps
View Issue Details
0000051Soldat MapsOtherpublic2011-09-19 23:362011-09-29 11:45
As de Espada 
0000051: remakes have the same name as original
Remakes are replacing the old maps. Including it's name.
Besides ending with retro compatibility, this makes it harder for servers or leagues to choose using the old version of the maps.
posted by soulblade:
Trying to remake all maps was a bad idea - only unpopular maps should have been remade. Viet is one of the more popular maps in competitive Soldat, so it really needs to be kept in it's original form. The other remakes are fine as they were barely played ever in SCTFL.
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Issue History
2011-09-19 23:36As de EspadaNew Issue
2011-09-29 11:45zakathNote Added: 0001179
2011-09-29 11:45zakathStatusnew => closed
2011-09-29 11:45zakathAssigned To => zakath
2011-09-29 11:45zakathResolutionopen => fixed

2011-09-29 11:45   
It is as its supposed to be