MantisBT - Soldat Maps
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0000052Soldat MapsPolygon bugspublic2011-09-19 23:502011-10-11 00:05
As de Espada 
0000052: ctf_Laos polybug
I also noticed a mapbug on laos, that I believe wasn't there before: using the mid route to exit left base, there is some kind of polybug/bump in the ramp, toward the beginning of the ramp.

Its almost at the same place as the collider.
-originally posted by Vv00t-SN
No tags attached.
png laos polybug.png (302,234) 2011-09-21 18:19
Issue History
2011-09-19 23:50As de EspadaNew Issue
2011-09-19 23:58As de EspadaNote Added: 0001142
2011-09-19 23:59As de EspadaNote Edited: 0001142bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=1142#r56
2011-09-20 05:02Illuminatus88Note Added: 0001146
2011-09-21 02:41ShoozzaNote Added: 0001147
2011-09-21 02:41ShoozzaStatusnew => feedback
2011-09-21 18:19As de EspadaFile Added: laos polybug.png
2011-09-21 18:20As de EspadaNote Added: 0001156
2011-09-21 18:20As de EspadaStatusfeedback => new
2011-10-10 09:35As de EspadaNote Added: 0001201
2011-10-11 00:05zakathStatusnew => closed
2011-10-11 00:05zakathAssigned To => zakath
2011-10-11 00:05zakathResolutionopen => fixed

As de Espada   
2011-09-19 23:58   
(edited on: 2011-09-19 23:59)
Probably this happens because it was added an ivisible poly to avoid polybugs but forgot to set the original one to "doesn't collide".

2011-09-20 05:02   
A screenshot of the very location would help maybe.
2011-09-21 02:41   
Could you please attach a screenshot with the exact location(s) where this polybug happens?
As de Espada   
2011-09-21 18:20   
screenshot added [^]
As de Espada   
2011-10-10 09:35   
I saw that you set the other polygon to DC, but the bug continues. I managed to fix it by sending the invisible poly to back (select and send to back).