MantisBT - Soldat Website
View Issue Details
0000579Soldat Website[All Projects] Johnpublic2014-09-09 00:242014-10-05 13:56
0000579: website bugs
Copyright © Transhuman Directive 2002-2012
    -should be Transhuman Design 2002-2014

remove : Popular Downloads
    -might distract people and they might accidently download outdated versions.
    -There is no purpose to have such downloads on the site [^]
     -says "Soldat Dedicated Server 1.6.6 (v2.7.6)"
     -PolyWorks might be outdated
     -sort it by Game,Server,Tools
     -Game : Full download, Patch
     -Server: Full Server, Patch
     -Tools: "", "", Baka Admin / Arsee / ... ?

     -remove the comics, tool screenshots
     -try to gather some HD screenshots (make a topic on the forum to ask for those)


     -several outdated pages here
     -sort it by priority
     -add a description to #soldatladder e.g "Rent free Soldatservers to play with your friends"

      -Polska Liga SIC - Soldat International Challenge
       ESL Soldat Ladders
       ASCTFL - Australian Soldat Capture the Flag League
       GameArena Soldat Ladder are dead

      - REALLY?

      -doesn't have a default channel. People can't possibly know where to join
      -Use: [^] instead of the current one // replace INSERT_THE_CHANNEL_NAME_HERE with something like soldat.match soldatladder soldat soldat.devs (you can add multiple channels with a "," e.g,soldat.devs,...

Index Site:
      -"64 amazing maps" - I guess that one is wrong
      -maybe add something like "tons of community made gamemodes such as: CS, Zombie, Climbing, Volleyball, ..."

make it obvious that the game is under active development! This site does look exactly the same even if there is a brand new version releaed right on the day,..
Colorize the download button red if a new version was released lately, or use a popup or just add a banner "still deleiverd with updates!"

The login part on the top is rather useless by the way.
The whole website looks like a mobile version , can you possibly stretch it to fullscreen on the width? You could place much more content then.

However, I suggest to just move to WordPress. It would be the best you could possibly do.
1) open your internet browser
2) type
message me on #soldat.devs if you need a talk
No tags attached.
Issue History
2014-09-09 00:24darDarNew Issue
2014-09-10 15:24ShoozzaNote Added: 0002300
2014-09-10 15:38ShoozzaNote Added: 0002301
2014-09-10 15:38ShoozzaAssigned To => Shoozza
2014-09-10 15:38ShoozzaStatusnew => feedback
2014-09-10 15:41ShoozzaNote Edited: 0002300bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=2300#r561
2014-09-11 00:45darDarNote Added: 0002302
2014-09-11 00:45darDarStatusfeedback => assigned
2014-09-11 00:46darDarNote Added: 0002303
2014-09-13 12:02ShoozzaNote Added: 0002307
2014-09-20 09:32kicikiciNote Added: 0002312
2014-09-22 00:45ShoozzaNote Added: 0002313
2014-09-22 00:47ShoozzaNote Added: 0002314
2014-09-22 00:47ShoozzaStatusassigned => feedback
2014-09-25 19:07ShoozzaNote Edited: 0002313bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=2313#r563
2014-09-30 14:05ShoozzaNote Edited: 0002313bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=2313#r564
2014-09-30 14:05ShoozzaNote Deleted: 0002314
2014-10-05 13:56ShoozzaNote Edited: 0002313bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=2313#r565
2014-10-05 13:56ShoozzaAssigned ToShoozza => jrgp
2014-10-05 13:56ShoozzaStatusfeedback => assigned
2020-08-27 11:05MMCategoryGeneral => John

2014-09-10 15:24   
(edited on: 2014-09-10 15:41)
* Copyright was fixed

* shirts will stay

* game still active and highlighted download button:
this needs more discussion i suggest a forum thread my current ideas for the record:
red button doesn't fit the site could use yellow button or a star
and text which shows the last update date (or something similar)

(this will not be fixed in this bugfix)

* stretching the site wont work because the title image is not that big and we have no big one. Create a forum thread about wide layout on site on the forums if you want this to happen.

(No change required for this in this bugfix)

* Use Wordpress:
There are other plans on how to change the site. (No change for this)

2014-09-10 15:38   
     -several outdated pages here
Could you name all outdated pages?

Index Site:
      -"64 amazing maps" - I guess that one is wrong
What is the correct number of included maps then?
2014-09-11 00:45   
Polish Soldat Community - [^]
Lithuanian Soldat Community - [^]
French Soldat Community - [^]

replace: Leo's Realistic Soldat - [^] with [^]

+ description to knifeonly + soldatladder
2014-09-11 00:46   
Also put to the Link area, since it's an actual active place. Should be either on leagues and on links.
2014-09-13 12:02   
* Screenshots cleaned up
* league links removed
* links changed/removed
* chat fixed

- sctfl stays in leagues
- soldatladder description not added because it is a channel where you get servers -> confusing
- not sure where and what description to knifeonly means
- Have no HD screenshots so didn't add any

# downloads will be fixed soon
2014-09-20 09:32   
Please don't forget about Polyworks download link, also is outdated
2014-09-22 00:45   
(edited on: 2014-10-05 13:56)
* popular downloads on home page removed
* latest news on home page removed
* fix outdated polyworks download
* replace screenshots in screenshots section with 1920x1080 versions (for zoomed)
* replace screenshots on home page with large 1920x1080 versions (for zoomed)

stuff that still has to be done:
- fix server download is shown instead of soldat patch (needs to be done by jrgp)

Create a new ticked for this:
# add new downloads for important tools (please make a list with links)

everything else is either already done (see info above) or will not be done