MantisBT - Soldat
View Issue Details
0000581SoldatGameplaypublic2014-09-26 10:452015-05-06 23:57
x64Windows7 SP1
0000581: Startup sounds glitches on demos
There is a glitch with weapon startup sound when viewing demos, which make spotting potential startup hacks impossible. Basically, you don't hear startup sound of your enemy unless he zooms out using barrett. This may cause the demo viewer have an impression that the player has faster startuptime, because he can start shooting before zooming out and during the startuptime zoom out, causing only part of the startup sound to be heard on demo.
1. play a demo with a player shooting barrett without zooming, there's no startuptime sound
2. play a demo with a player shooting a barrett while zooming, you can hear the startuptime sound.
3. play a demo with a player strating to make a shot before zooming out and continue the process of shooting into zooming out, you can hear only part of the startuptime sound.
it is best to check this bug with a sound mod (attached). Regular startup time with barrett in this mod gives 4 "beeps" before shooting. On the attached demo you can see Kaimelar making shoots quicker than 4 beeps, it's because he started to zoom out during startup time, making it play only part of the sound.
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related to 0000575confirmed  Backflip animation sometimes fails in demos 
related to 0000458confirmed skoskav Roll out of prone - Animation fail in demos 
related to 0000295confirmed  First seconds of demos get skipped 
rar demo&soundmod.rar (91,523) 2014-09-26 10:45
Issue History
2014-09-26 10:45MittsuNew Issue
2014-09-26 10:45MittsuFile Added: demo&soundmod.rar
2014-10-05 15:38BistouflyStatusnew => acknowledged
2015-04-18 22:52homerofgodsRelationship addedrelated to 0000575
2015-04-18 22:52homerofgodsRelationship addedrelated to 0000458
2015-04-18 22:52homerofgodsRelationship addedrelated to 0000295
2015-05-06 23:57homerofgodsRelationship addedrelated to 0000610
2020-08-27 11:16MMRelationship deletedrelated to 0000610

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