MantisBT - Soldat
View Issue Details
0000592SoldatJohnpublic2014-10-12 14:502014-10-22 12:17
x64Windows7 SP1
0000592: Word Text covering chat
At the moment, when you place WorldTexts in non-static position on the screen it will cover the chat, making it unreadable.

Possible solution: Set the WorldTexts behind :)
Spawn WorldTexts in non-static position.
Move camera around to see that it's in front of the chat.
No tags attached.
has duplicate 0000591closed  Word Text covering chat 
png 12313.png (16,289) 2014-10-12 14:50
Issue History
2014-10-12 14:50ViralNew Issue
2014-10-12 14:50ViralFile Added: 12313.png
2014-10-12 19:42BistouflyRelationship addedhas duplicate 0000591
2014-10-12 19:43BistouflyStatusnew => acknowledged
2014-10-12 22:51ExHunterNote Added: 0002344
2014-10-12 22:51ExHunterAssigned To => ExHunter
2014-10-12 22:51ExHunterStatusacknowledged => feedback
2014-10-13 13:00ViralNote Added: 0002345
2014-10-13 13:00ViralStatusfeedback => assigned
2014-10-15 17:24ExHunterNote Added: 0002346
2014-10-15 17:24ExHunterStatusassigned => feedback
2014-10-15 17:25ExHunterNote Edited: 0002346bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=2346#r569
2014-10-22 12:17ExHunterNote Added: 0002348
2014-10-22 12:17ExHunterStatusfeedback => resolved
2014-10-22 12:17ExHunterResolutionopen => fixed
2020-08-27 11:23MMCategoryGUI => John

2014-10-12 22:51   
What do you mean by non-static position?
2014-10-13 13:00   
The new option of placing the static text on the screen (it doesn't move around). Kici has that option under the !ww command on his server if you can recall.
2014-10-15 17:24   
(edited on: 2014-10-15 17:25)
This currently applies to BigText too.

Both uses the same loop to render, so if I move the loop to draw behind interface and chat text, it will happen to BigText, too.

Should I split both or would it be even better to fix this for BigText too, since you can then see your interface and chat (if BigText stuff draws over chat or interface)?

2014-10-22 12:17   
World and big texts no longer hide interface