MantisBT - Soldat
View Issue Details
0000613SoldatOtherpublic2015-05-26 13:532016-07-13 13:36
closedunable to reproduce 
0000613: having 24 chars in game results in HWID fail
It was supposedly fixed in 1.6.9b1, and it is on most servers, but when I try to join the runmode server I get a message: ''you are banned on this server''
-Have a nick that is 24 characters, for example: abcdefghijklmnpqrstuvwxy
-try to join runmode server: soldat:// [^]
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Issue History
2015-05-26 13:53homerofgodsNew Issue
2015-06-19 14:45ShoozzaNote Added: 0002471
2015-06-19 14:45ShoozzaAssigned To => Shoozza
2015-06-19 14:45ShoozzaStatusnew => feedback
2015-06-19 15:06homerofgodsNote Added: 0002472
2015-06-19 15:06homerofgodsStatusfeedback => assigned
2015-07-11 12:30ExHunterNote Added: 0002476
2015-07-11 12:31ExHunterNote Edited: 0002476bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=2476#r685
2015-07-23 21:15ShoozzaAssigned ToShoozza => ExHunter
2016-06-24 19:09ExHunterNote Added: 0002555
2016-06-24 19:09ExHunterStatusassigned => feedback
2016-06-24 19:09ExHunterNote Edited: 0002555bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=2555#r706
2016-07-13 13:36homerofgodsNote Added: 0002557
2016-07-13 13:36homerofgodsStatusfeedback => assigned
2016-07-13 13:36homerofgodsStatusassigned => closed
2016-07-13 13:36homerofgodsResolutionopen => unable to reproduce

2015-06-19 14:45   
What is the console output when someone tries to join with a long name?

Does this happen if you clear the hwid ban list and/or ip ban list?
It would be helpful if I could get the hwid ban list.
2015-06-19 15:06   
ExHunter has the server so ask him :)
2015-07-11 12:30   
(edited on: 2015-07-11 12:31)
Mhm... can confirm this. I am having a script on my server which checks for HWIDs banned on my database. And if I use 24 characters in names it does not transmit the HWID (that's why instant ban - some rows in the database do not have a HWID saved).

With less than 24 chars: (12:27:28)|XXXXXXXXXXX requesting game...

With 24 chars: (12:27:05)| requesting game...

I will look into this

2016-06-24 19:09   
Does this still need a fix?

2016-07-13 13:36   
I don't see that it does. I tried joining servers with 24 char nick and there were no problems.
Closed until problem reappears