MantisBT - Soldat
View Issue Details
0000658SoldatGameplaypublic2016-06-24 17:442016-09-01 01:17
PCWindows7 x64
0000658: Looping jet sounds on re-joining server / !pause
Whenever my client automatically quits the server, for example when it has to download the map, and i was continuously pressing "Jet" button, then jet sounds keeps playing forever till closing Soldat.

Whenever it happens, the game becomes pretty unplayable and super-annoying. All you hear is constant jet-sounds.

Will happen in !pause too until !unpause @ #Soldat for example.

NOTE: Also happening in Soldat Beta 1.7.1b1.
For constant jet sounds:
1. Press the "Jet" button continuously
2. Make client download a map, client automatically re-joins.
3. Welcome to eternal jet-sounds till you reset the game.

1. Press the "Jet" button continuously.
2. Someone pauses game.
3. Not eternal, but jet-sounds till !unpause
sfx, sounds
Issue History
2016-06-24 17:44nosejjNew Issue
2016-06-24 17:55nosejjTag Attached: sfx
2016-06-24 17:55nosejjTag Attached: sounds
2016-09-01 01:17FalconNote Added: 0002565
2016-09-01 01:17FalconStatusnew => closed
2016-09-01 01:17FalconResolutionopen => suspended

2016-09-01 01:17   
As the sound engine got rewritten for 1.8 already, please reopen if you see it happen there again.