MantisBT - Soldat
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0000091SoldatJohnpublic2011-10-11 00:362015-04-17 21:27
x86WindowsXP SP3
0000091: Kill log not displaying correctly
My kill log doesn't display the latest kill until another kill has been made. So essentially I can never see the last kill in the log.
I think it occurs in higher resolutions. I am using 1920x1080.
My reason to believe that its due to resolution is because in 1.5.1 I manually changed my resolution to 1920x1080, even though it wasn't supported and the same bug occured.
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related to 0000336closed skoskav Scale_Interface=0 isn't truly no-scaling 
related to 0000338closed skoskav Unregistered players and Scale_Interface 
related to 0000337acknowledged  Scale_Interface=1 is problematic 
related to 0000364assigned skoskav FontBigSize= in Soldat\txt\font.ini isn't working properly 
Issue History
2011-10-11 00:36c0baltNew Issue
2012-03-02 15:45ShoozzaNote Added: 0001382
2012-03-02 15:45ShoozzaStatusnew => feedback
2012-03-13 03:34DutchFlameNote Added: 0001395
2015-04-17 20:21homerofgodsRelationship addedrelated to 0000337
2015-04-17 21:25homerofgodsRelationship addedrelated to 0000364
2015-04-17 21:27homerofgodsRelationship addedrelated to 0000336
2015-04-17 21:27homerofgodsRelationship addedrelated to 0000338
2020-08-27 11:23MMCategoryGUI => John

2012-03-02 15:45   
Does it also happen in lower resolutions (1680x1050, 1280x1024?) or just in 1920x1080? If so in which resolutions happened the error?

I need smaller resolutions for testing as I don't use a 1920x1080 screen here.
2012-03-13 03:34   
A screenshot would be appreciated here :E