Soldat Dedicated Server - Change Log Soldat Dedicated Server - 2.7.4 (Released 2013-07-13) [ View Issues ] ===================================================== - 0000214: [Scripting Core] WriteConsole doesn't write an integer unless there is a written string near it. (Shoozza) - resolved. - 0000339: [Scripting Core] /recompile scriptname will cause script to be executed x number of times (Falcon) - resolved. - 0000324: [Scripting Core] Scripts are not recompiling (2.7.4 rc2) (Falcon) - resolved. - 0000319: [General] Remote.txt only capable of holding 100 IP addresses. (Falcon) - resolved. - 0000082: [General] questionmarks replaces special chars in admin console (Falcon) - resolved. - 0000217: [Scripting Core] Starting server with no scripts and scripting enabled (Falcon) - resolved. - 0000230: [General] -b does not work (Falcon) - resolved. - 0000212: [General] Access violation in /BANDWIDTH command (Shoozza) - resolved. - 0000015: [Scripting Core] RoundTo() doesn't remove trailing zeros. (Falcon) - closed. - 0000227: [General] Port (-p) parameter should have a higher priority than the soldat.ini port setting (Falcon) - closed.