Soldat - Change Log Soldat - 1.6.9 (Released 2015-10-31) [ View Issues ] ==================================== - 0000215: [Gameplay] Alt+Key (taunt) runs the action assigned to Key (PerroAZUL) - resolved. - 0000286: [Other] won't respawn in survival (Shoozza) - resolved. - 0000608: [Gameplay] Unable to download other version of the map (Shoozza) - resolved. - 0000520: [Other] Stacking CPU when entering/exiting games (Shoozza) - resolved. - 0000333: [Graphics] Memory crash (Shoozza) - resolved. - 0000160: [Singleplayer] High CPU usage when quitting while map chages and rejoining (Shoozza) - resolved. - 0000323: [Graphics] Starting single player game a few times causes FPS drop (Shoozza) - resolved. - 0000309: [Other] Alt key can be assigned to actions but doesn't trigger this action (Shoozza) - resolved. - 0000530: [Gameplay] Holding Alt key (when taunting) stop shooting. (Shoozza) - resolved. - 0000274: [Other] Freecam while pausing (f10) (Shoozza) - resolved. - 0000484: [John] Deadly poligons' slopes don't kill players. (skoskav) - resolved. - 0000601: [Graphics] Star and Flag icon in the scoreboard are scaled down. (ExHunter) - resolved. - 0000404: [Gameplay] Grenade packs and medkits spawns in wrong places (ExHunter) - resolved. - 0000106: [Graphics] Invisible knives (ExHunter) - resolved. - 0000463: [Other] Soldat (not responding) when trying to find servers without having internet (Shoozza) - closed. - 0000223: [John] Colon inconsistency in Options menu - closed. - 0000556: [Other] font.ini still says "Soldat 1.6.6" - closed.